joi, 17 martie 2011

SGF Viewer - Google Chrome extension (a ported version of the Firefox extension LinkSgfViewer)

SGF Viewer - Google Chrome extension (a ported version of the Firefox extension LinkSgfViewer)

Download link: SgfViewer.

Open links to sgf files in an overlay div.
Note on SGF: support only version 4 (FF[4]) and the game of GO (Weiqi, Baduk) (GM[1]).

It uses:
- jQuery JavaScript Library v1.5 - - Copyright 2011, John Resig - Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- a modified version of jQuery SuperBox! 0.9.1 - Copyright (c) 2009 Pierre Bertet ( - Licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- a workaround for Cross-domain XHR's not working in Chrome Extensions' content scripts by romannurik see

- support almost all sgf properties (exception: AR - arrows, LN -line, LB - only short labels supported, FG - figure, PM - print move numbers - this feature is handled in the properties of the extension not as SGF property, CA - charset);
- support game collections;
- support children style variations;
- show move numbers (if this option is selected in the preference window);
- show coordinates (if this option is selected in the preference window).

How to use:
- when you need it - start/stop the extension from the Address Bar;
- always on - if you select Autorun checkbox from the option window).

How it works:
- at startup SGF Viewer scan the web page for links to sgf files (with .sgf extension) and show an icon in the address bar;
- if the autorun checkbox from the options page is checked then highlight the .sgf links or wait for the user to start the extension by clicking on icon's extension;
- when user click on highlighted links an overlay div appear where the content of the file will be displayed;
- when it is stopped SGF Viewer restores the page to the original state.


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